Tävlingar och priser
/ Competitions, prizes and awards
Damkören Korallerna har en lång internationell tävlingstradition. Tävlingar är ett roligt och bra sätt för kören att ha konkreta mål att jobba mot varje år. Att åka på dessa resor tillsammans skapar dessutom starka band inom kören och hjälper till att bygga relationer till andra körer runt om i världen.
De senaste åren har kören deltagit i tävlingar i bland annat Litauen, Nederländerna, Spanien och på Irland. Sedan kören grundades har Korallerna kammat hem flera priser och diplom inom olika tävlingar och kategorier. I Interkulturs officiella rankning ligger Damkören Korallerna just nu på plats 156 av de bästa 1000 körerna i världen, och på plats 29 av de bästa damkörerna i världen.
Damkören Korallerna has a long tradition of competing internationally. Competitions are a fun way for us to set goals to work towards each year. Going on these trips also brings us closer together as a choir and helps us build relationships with other choirs around the world.
Most recently we have participated in competitions in Lithuania, The Netherlands, Spain, and Ireland. Since the choir was founded we have received several prizes and awards in different competitions and categories. According to Interkultur World Ranking we are currently ranked at position 156 of the top 1000 choirs in the world and at position 29 of the best female choirs.
23rd international Stasys Šimkus choir competition, Klaipėda, Lithuania 2024
1st prize (category winner) — Choirs of equal voices
The Swedish International Choir Competition,
Helsingborg, Sweden 2018
Gold diploma (category winner) — Chamber Choirs of equal voices
3rd Canta en Primavera — Festival Choral Internacional, Malaga, Spain 2017
Gold diploma (category winner) — Chamber Choirs of equal voices
Gold diploma (category winner) — Sacred choral music
Special prize for conducting (Linda Alexandersson)
50th International Festival of Choral Song,
Międzyzdroje, Poland 2015
Gold diploma — Musica Sacra
Gold diploma — Contemporary choral music
Special prize for best performance of a work by a contemporary polish composer
8th World Choir Games,
Riga, Latvia 2014
Gold diploma — Female Chamber Choirs
28th International Franz Schubert Choir Competition, Vienna, Austria 2012
Gold diploma — Musica Sacra
Cracovia Cantans — International Choir Festival,
Krakow, Poland 2011
1st prize (category winner) — Musica Sacra
Musica Mundis — International Choir Festival,
Venice, Italy 2009
1st prize (category winner) — Musica Sacra
4th World Choir Games, Xiemen,
China 2006
Gold diploma (category winner) — Female Chamber Choirs
Gold diploma (category winner)— Musica Sacra a capella